Record high temperature 35.6°C Record low temperature -24.7°C Record high gust 86.6 km/h Record high average 47.7 km/h Record daily rain 74.4 mm Record low windchill -30.3°C Record high barometer 1047.1 hPa Record low barometer 975.2 hPa
Daily high pressure 1006.7 mb Daily low pressure 1004.9 mb Daily low windchill -15.7°C Daily high heat index -4.3°C Daily high gust speed 46.1 kmh WSW Daily high average speed 25.5 kmh WSW
Weather Data from Stayner, Ontario, Canada
LAST READING AT TIME: 0:55 AM DATE: February 07 2025, time of next update: 01:00 am
Current WeatherNight time/Dry Current Temperature -6.0°C (21.2°F), Apparent temp -11.1°C
Maximum Temperature (since midnight)-4.3°C at: 12:00 AM Minimum Temperature (since midnight)-6.0°C at: 12:53 AM
Average windspeed (ten minute)15.4 kmh (8.3 kts) Wind Direction (ten minute)WNW (287°)
Windchill Temperature -10.6°C Maximum Gust (last hour)46.1 kmh (24.9 kts) at: 00:48 AM
Maximum Gust (since midnight)46.1 kmh (24.9 kts) at: 12:48 AM Maximum 1 minute average (since midnight)25.5 kmh (13.8 kts) at: 12:48 AM
Rainfall (last hour)0.0 mm Rainfall (since midnight)0.0 mm (0.00 in.)---
Rainfall This month 2.8 mm (0.11 in.) Rainfall To date this year 8.1 mm (0.32 in.)
Maximum rain per minute (last hour)0.0 mm/min Maximum rain per hour (last 6 hours)0.0 mm/hour
Yesterdays rainfall 0.0 mm DewPoint -6.0°C (Wet Bulb :-6.0°C )
Humidity 100 %, Humidex -9.4°C Barometer corrected to msl1006.6 mb
Pressure change +2.0 mb (last hour) Trend (last hour)RISING SLOWLY
Pressure change (last 12 hours)+3.2 mb Pressure change (last 6 hours)+4.2 mb
Current Indoor Temp. 19.9°C
Current Indoor Hum. 48%

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Weather report/warning/Metars

Toronto Pearson Int'L. Ont., Canada (CYYZ) 43-40N 079-38W 173M
Feb 06, 2025 - 11:47 PM EST / 2025.02.07 0447 UTC
Wind: from the W (260 degrees) at 33 MPH (29 KT) gusting to 45 MPH (39 KT) (direction variable):0
Visibility: 1/4 mile(s):0
Sky conditions: obscured
Weather: snow; blowing snow
Temperature: 32 F (0 C)
Windchill: 17 F (-8 C):1
Dew Point: 24 F (-4 C)
Relative Humidity: 74%
Pressure (altimeter): 29.63 in. Hg (1003 hPa)
Pressure tendency: rising rapidly
ob: CYYZ 070447Z 26029G39KT 1/4SM R24L/P6000FT/D R23/2400V2800FT/N SN BLSN VV003 M00/M04 A2963 RMK SN8 PRESRR SLP044
cycle: 5
Collingwood Automatic Weather Reporting System , Canada (CWCO) 44-30N 080-13W
Jun 22, 2023 - 06:00 PM EDT / 2023.06.22 2200 UTC
Wind: from the E (090 degrees) at 1 MPH (1 KT):0
Temperature: 79.3 F (26.3 C)
Dew Point: 55.8 F (13.2 C)
Relative Humidity: 44%
ob: CWCO 222200Z AUTO 09001KT 26/13 RMK AO1 T02630132
cycle: 22

The data is logged at two minute intervals, but there is data recorded every minute.

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Created by "Weather Display" software version 10.37S at this start time/date 4:36:46 PM 12/11/2024