Weather Data from Stayner, Ontario, Canada | |||
LAST READING AT TIME: 4:15 AM DATE: October 06 2024, time of next update: 04:20 am | |||
Current Weather | Night time/Dry | Current Temperature | 9.2°C (48.6°F), Apparent temp 6.7°C |
Maximum Temperature (since midnight) | 9.3°C at: 3:50 AM | Minimum Temperature (since midnight) | 7.4°C at: 12:50 AM |
Average windspeed (ten minute) | 12.2 kmh (6.6 kts) | Wind Direction (ten minute) | SSE (147°) |
Windchill Temperature | 8.7°C | Maximum Gust (last hour) | 25.8 kmh (13.9 kts) at: 3:37 AM |
Maximum Gust (since midnight) | 25.9 kmh (14.0 kts) at: 3:37 AM | Maximum 1 minute average (since midnight) | 16.2 kmh (8.8 kts) at: 3:59 AM |
Rainfall (last hour) | 0.0 mm | Rainfall (since midnight) | 0.0 mm (0.00 in.)--- |
Rainfall This month | 21.8 mm (0.86 in.) | Rainfall To date this year | 512.3 mm (20.17 in.) |
Maximum rain per minute (last hour) | 0.0 mm/min | Maximum rain per hour (last 6 hours) | 0.0 mm/hour |
Yesterdays rainfall | 0.0 mm | DewPoint | 9.2°C (Wet Bulb :9.2°C ) |
Humidity | 100 %, Humidex 10.2°C | Barometer corrected to msl | 1017.3 mb |
Pressure change | -1.8 mb (last hour) | Trend (last hour) | FALLING |
Pressure change (last 12 hours) | -8.5 mb | Pressure change (last 6 hours) | -5.3 mb |
Current Indoor Temp. 22.1°C | |||
Current Indoor Hum. 53% |
Toronto Pearson Int'L. Ont., Canada (CYYZ) 43-40N 079-38W 173M Oct 06, 2024 - 03:00 AM EDT / 2024.10.06 0700 UTC Wind: from the W (260 degrees) at 3 MPH (3 KT) (direction variable):0 Visibility: 15 mile(s):0 Sky conditions: mostly clear Temperature: 50 F (10 C) Dew Point: 46 F (8 C) Relative Humidity: 87% Pressure (altimeter): 30.09 in. Hg (1018 hPa) ob: CYYZ 060700Z 26003KT 150V260 15SM FEW260 10/08 A3009 RMK CI1 CI TR SLP193 cycle: 7 Collingwood Automatic Weather Reporting System , Canada (CWCO) 44-30N 080-13W Jun 22, 2023 - 06:00 PM EDT / 2023.06.22 2200 UTC Wind: from the E (090 degrees) at 1 MPH (1 KT):0 Temperature: 79.3 F (26.3 C) Dew Point: 55.8 F (13.2 C) Relative Humidity: 44% ob: CWCO 222200Z AUTO 09001KT 26/13 RMK AO1 T02630132 cycle: 22
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